Trentapassi Sky Vertical and Marathon
4-5th May 2019

Vertical Race

Sky race 23,4 km 1860 d+

if you are looking for amazing view of Iseo Lake from a Vertical stand point on sharp rocky ridges...and for a tough & technical uphill and all-run downhill...than Trentapassi Skyrace is it! With an overall length of 23,4 km and having an overall differential elevation of 3720m, 1860m+, and 1860m-, the race course will increase strongly your hart rate!! Trentapassi Skyrace depart on the lake side in the town center of Marone, after an initial 2 Km flat warm-up along the lake side, you'll start gain 1'050 m elevation in just 3,7 km even with your hands along rocky and sharps ridges from which it looks like to jump in the lake at each step! Once you got the summit of Trentapassi You are just at overall 5,5 km, now it will take still 12 Km to be a finisher: via a technical and very steep downhill 700 m directly above the lake and additional 5 Km running on slightly up & down in the trees, you'll get in town center of Zone, and from here, you'll start the last very downhill passing by the "Piramidi" till when you'll here the speaker's voice...than you'll be able to say "i've done it"! But still a surprise...exactly 10 meters after having the arrival line you'll be able to jump directly in the lake and have your very deserved bath in the Iseo Lake! That's Trentapassi Skyrace!

Marathon 44,6km 2750 d+

Vertical race 3,5km 1000 d+

if you are looking for a tough Vertical Kilometer, that will get you gaining 1'050 m+ in 3,5Km forcing you using even your hands while just your legs....and while having amazing view of Iseo Lake from a Vertical stand point on sharp rocky ridges....than Trentapassi Vertical Race is it! Trentapassi Vertical Race depart on the lake side in the town center of Marone, with hundreds of cheering fans, then after an initial 1.5 Km flat warm-up with pacers, along the lake side, you'll get clear what does it mean a Vertical Kilometer from which it looks like to jump in the lake at each step! Passing by a rocky 50 m with metal chain and fixed ropes you'll reach half of the way...then it will start being really tough as you'll already perceive the increasing shouting and noise of hundreds of cheering fans and the speaker's voice on the top of Trentapassi that will make you feeling that "you got it" but still need more 500 m elevation to reach it even tough it looks like being there... Anyhow, in the very ultimate 50 meter you'll realize that you can never say "i got it" till once you'll really get on top! And once'll get your very deserved fresh beer, with an amazing view on the lake

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